
Wednesday 19 February 2014

Zenia Starr - The Lady Luck

Zenia Starr is a Sydney based actor cum model and the former Miss India Australia, 2014. Starr is an upcoming actress, who acted in a movie called “Backyard Ashes”. Her career is set to take a huge roller coaster for two other films, “Love you Krishna” and “My Cornerstone”. Zenia has got a great opportunity to act with a great director Stanley Joseph in the film “My Cornerstone”. This blockbuster movie is yet to be released on April 25, 2014. The film is predicted to break the records with a new genre of the film across the globe.

This movie is expected to grab the attention of audience and is also a great release in the Australian film industry. This movie would be the perfect way for Starr to kickstart a career in the filming industry. “My Cornerstone” film would be a great highpoint for her career. 

The upcoming blockbuster movie “My Cornerstone” is a direction of Stanley where the story of this film tells about the discrimination of an Indian in Australia even today. A gorgeous Indian nurse (Zenia Starr) moves to Sydney and is placed in the household of Pinto’s family. She was given a task to take care of an elderly lady in this wealthy Indian-Australian family (Pinto’s family). The story continues to revolve around the experiences that Starr posed at the pintos’ mansion. Along with these experiences the story highlights the strong racism act persisting in Australia. 

The most fascinating aspect is that the movie casts other famed actors like Romin Khan and James Morcan. The other most exciting aspect that makes the movie interesting is beginning of Zenia Starr’s career, as she has acted in two great movies, “Love you Krishna”, and “My Cornerstone”, within a span of 37 days simultaneously. The crews of these two movies were the same, and also the plots for these two movies were also the same. These movies highlight the acumen and the social biases that still persist in the culture of Australia. Zenia Starr has started her career with the choices of these two movies; hence she is very much clear about the movies to be chosen in her further career. Also she has stated that her choice of movie will make her debut impact very popular. As of now, Starr is looking further for her two big movies releases, and she is also expecting the movies to accomplish very huge success

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