
Monday 24 February 2014

Steven Spielberg – The Magical Man Of Hollywood

Regarded as one of the most distinguished Hollywood Filmmakers with his abundant variations, genres and themes, is the iconic Steven Spielberg. He has his distinguished, talented essence etched in the fields of screenwriting, direction, business as well as production, which thus makes him a multi faceted ‘genius’.

His magical wonder waves in Hollywood

The world has witnessed his genius work through various adventurous movies as well as science fiction, that had become benchmarks of English Cinema. Some of his noteworthy movies were Extra Terrestrial, Jurassic Park, Jaws, etc that soared his career onto great heights. Spielberg also had an inclined interest towards social causes and issues that hovered around worldwide communities and societies, which he portrayed through movies like The Holocaust and many movies that centered upon Terrorism, Transatlantic Slave Trade, war and so on. Humanitarian causes and issues were not secondary to Spielberg as he devoted generous amounts of attention and focus, while showcasing his movies. 

His ‘small’ wonders…

Skillful ‘luck’ of Spielberg also succeeded in the television kingdom through his directorial works like Night Gallery, Eyes, and Marcus Welby M.D. and so on.  He always had a fascination towards science fiction and ‘elements’ which belonged to the ‘other world’. Hence he satisfied this passion by directing the movie Close Encounters with the Third Kind that encircled upon UFOs. This movie did honor with a deserving Academy Award and 6 award nominations at a stretch. ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, another Indian Jones inspired flick fell into the directional kitty of Spielberg. 

This filmmaker was always known for his multi layered story plots with a symbolic story background. At the same time exceptional visual effects that radiated the entire movie essence was also a part of the ideating process of Steven Spielberg. 

Youth capture…

He also tried out youth generic movies like Catch me if you Can, The Terminal, etc that connected with younger audiences on an equal wavelength. Such movies enabled Spielberg to bag the title of the ‘Greatest film directors of all time’ voted by the Empire Magazine. He also considered the ‘school going’ audiences through his animated flick ‘Adventures of Tintin’ that also came with a 3D effect. 

Steven Spielberg also shared a secret passion for video games. Some of the initiatives are The Dig, The Neverhood, Medal of Honor and many adding to the vast list. Thus, he is a legendary idol who has inspired the world through his path breaking and inspirational pieces of work.

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